Each school year begins with the same promise: "this year I will balance work, family, health, and spirit". It wasn't too far into the first week that I, once again, would not be able to keep this promise. For many years, I felt guilty about the other parts of my life that I perceived as missing out mostly husband and children. The key word here is "perceive". In many respects, our experience is created by our perception. I felt that I had to be all things to all people at all times which usually left me at the bottom of the list and angry because nobody else ever emptied the dishwasher. Then I read something that changed my life. The synopsis is that a miracle isn't a change in circumstance but a change in your perception. After all, the only thing we have control over is our thoughts. When I stopped believing that I had to have balance, I became much happier. Being a good teacher for students involves putting in the time. There's no way around it. If you are learning and becoming a better teacher; then other parts of your life will not get all your attention and that's okay. Your children will learn to make their own lunches, your husband will find the milk at the grocery store and store-bought roast chickens are wonderful.
Here's your New's Years Resolution (or whenever you read this).
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